
'ARABIC EXPRESS' is a unique book in that it is the first to present spoken Arabic and its grammar, with the great facilitation of the Roman script, in a comprehensive, systematic and coherent manner. All units contain audio components for language practice, pronunciation and language modelling purposes.

The book's material has produced native-like speakers of Arabic, which can be attested by the directors at UNSW Institute of languages, where the author has taught for over a decade. The book has been addressing the language needs of Anglo-Australians, as well as those of descendents of the Arab diaspora. Lebanese is an advantageous Levantine dialect to learn in the English-speaking world, because it is one of those better understood in the Arabic speaking world, thanks to film, song and dubbed foreign series' diffusion.

The book has been an academic and linguistic labour of love, feedback, adjustment and fine tuning in the classroom over many years. Its learner-friendly style shapes its versatility, making it ideal for use by independent learners, in high school, and in a university classroom.

If you want a complete Arabic course that enables you to speak like native speakers, then this is the book for you.